torsdag 10 september 2009

Reflecting with my limited mind

The human mind

Its amazing
How we think
that the world is as big as our mind
that we can fit the great universe into our brain cells
that we can understand the cause, meaning and function of all the
bits and pieces

small or big,
simple or complicated

why do we think, that we can make sense
of the puzzle of life?

We spend our wholes lives
Trying to understand
That which is not understandable

We don’t realize
What an extremely small portion
Of reality
Of what we find out
Of which we even touch upon the truth

We live in a dream
Limited by our head
Cornered by the society

Is the human so blind,
So proud, so self-centred
Are we such know-it-all's

That we cannot accept,
or even conceive
That reality is so much larger
than what can be tested, wearing
what was once white coats
and scratched glasses?

How can any subjective,
Say that they are right, and God is wrong?
That they are bigger than God?
That if God existed, he would be that way,
he wouldn’t be like this?
He would be the way our limited mind wants him to be.

Wait -

He would be God
Creator of everything
Wouldn’t his mind be unlimited?

Not limited
Like ours?

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